
What is sales psychology?

What is sales psychology?

The use of psychological techniques and sales psychology is an attractive topic and the knowledge and solutions provided in this field can be useful for salespeople in any industry.

The last time you bought a product or service, was your decision based on weighing different options and rational consideration, or was it more of an emotional decision? The vast majority of people rely on their emotions when making a purchase decision and then reasonably consider their decision.

Knowing this and many other psychological reasons for successful and unsuccessful sales techniques will help you increase your sales rate. It does not matter if what you are selling is a physical good or a service.

sales psychology

Sales Psychology

What psychological factors and characteristics make a salesperson successful? In other words, what qualities does sales psychology consider essential to success?

  • The ability to empathize
  • Ability to listen and be curious
  • Ability to put yourself in other people’s position
  • Intelligence and inference
  • Effective communication
  • Emotional stability
  • Patience
  • Problem-solving skills • Self-awareness
  • High emotional intelligence
  • Principles of sales psychology

Sometimes your potential customer gets very close to the purchase stage but for various reasons the purchase act is not done. We have compiled a list of sales psychology principles to help you turn these sales opportunities into customers.

Sales Psychology

  1. Offer fewer options to the customer

In sales psychology, offering very different options to the customer makes it difficult for him to make a decision and increases the likelihood that he will not make any purchase.

In The Paradox of Choice, American psychologist Barry Schwartz argues that eliminating customer choices can greatly reduce buyers’ anxiety.


  1. Use the fear of losing leverage

From the point of view of sales psychology, it is difficult to say no to a great buying opportunity, even for stubborn buyers; especially if they are reminded of what they are missing out on by rejecting this opportunity to buy. Do not just list the benefits of your product or service; Try to convince the customer that he has missed a good opportunity by not buying from you.

In his book Fast and Slow Thinking, Daniel Kahneman discusses in detail the cognitive biases that influence the decision-making process.


  1. Show off your skills, expertise and expertise to build credibility

The more credibility you have as a salesperson, the easier it is for potential customers to trust you. If your potential customers are skeptical about your abilities or do not trust you completely, they will not be eager to buy from you. One of the most important principles of sales psychology is to inform the customer about your years of experience and skills in the product or service you offer.


  1. Talk about your previous customers

According to the principles of sales psychology, another way to build credibility is to talk about past customers. In addition, we are naturally social beings, and most people trust other consumers more than the marketer or sales expert.


  1. Ask customers to share shopping barriers with you

One of the easiest ways to convince suspicious customers is to ask them to share with you the issues that are holding them back. People like to look reasonable, so if you can direct potential customers to the point where they themselves acknowledge the benefits of using your product or service, they are more likely to buy.


  1. Use the story to make an impact

Talking about a customer’s success story in sales psychology is more effective than enumerating the benefits of using the product. Storytelling allows you to connect with your client faster (by releasing the “trust hormone”, oxytocin); It also helps you get your audience to do what you want them to do.


  1. Strengthen the customer’s sense of two-way communication

By offering a portion of the service for free to a potential customer, you not only give them a sense of appreciation, but also give them the feeling that they should do something for you instead. For example, you can offer a special discount for new customers.


  1. Use the “time limit” lever

For example, give the customer the feeling that the product or service is running out due to high demand. Set a time frame for a potential customer to make a decision. For example, tell him that he only has until the end of this week to make a decision because the discounts will only apply until the end of this month.


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sales psychology

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