
Starch and its processing in alfalfa

More than half of the 60 million tons of starch produced each year in the world is processed using alfalaval systems and equipment.


alfalaval is world-renowned for its heat transfer, separation and fluid transport.


Which is important for efficient processing and operational economy stability in starch processing.


This means that alfalaval is in a position to help starch producers open up new and important market opportunities.

And optimize the results they achieve in the current situation.




Extraction of starch from corn


Approximately 85% of global starch demand is met by corn cultivation. Starch extraction from corn begins with soaking corn kernels in water, in a process called soaking. After the grains are softened and after grinding, the sprouts are separated in hydrosilicons and sieves. After the bud is removed, the fibrous part is then removed and washed using sieves.


After that, the corn germ is pressed to produce corn oil for consumption.


Then starch and protein (gluten) are separated in 2 steps. First, the main part of the protein is separated using a nozzle centrifuge in a process called primary separation.


It is then washed with fresh water in hydrocyclones to separate the remaining proteins from other impurities.


Then, the protein separated in the nozzle centrifuge is first dehydrated in another nozzle centrifuge, followed by final dewatering using vacuum filters.


Protein wash water is recovered and used as process water to wash fibers and sprouts during the soaking stage.


During soaking, soluble substances seep out of the corn and collect in the soaking water.


To recover these valuable components of corn, soaking water is processed in an evaporator to concentrate these soluble solids by evaporating part of the water.


In many factories, these soluble materials are mixed with fibrous materials before the fibers dry. This dried product is often called gluten feed, which is widely used as a raw material for animal feed.


After drying, the protein is called gluten meal.


With a high protein content (approximately 65%), it is widely used as feed for fish and poultry. alfalaval has also provided knowledge and how to do this along with processing and control equipment.


alfalaval and corn starch extraction


By studying the starch activities, Dorr-oliver alfalaval is the largest company in the corn starch industry.


alfalavals unique experience is based on the design and construction of more than 100 corn starch factories around the world.


Merco alfalaval centrifuge


Unlike other multi-purpose centrifuge nozzles, the design of the Merco alfalaval centrifuge is based on cornstarch processing equipment.


These centrifuges include (high) solids load and continuous discharge, minimum nozzle clogging being important.


Merco alfalaval design is unique in that the production settings during operation are adjustable and possible by changing the nozzle valve.


It also has a global reputation for providing high-volume, uninterrupted and undeniable production.

To achieve maximum efficiency of concentration and separation, the dimensions of merco centrifuges have been enlarged and larger nozzles and valves have been placed between the discs. The merco design uses a special return system and a return flow, which is an effective way to control the separation and condensation process through the downstream, draw-off valve.


This allows the operator to change the gap and control the concentration by simply adjusting the draw down current in the discharge line.


To reduce maintenance costs and minimize repair time, the bowl is protected by a bearing-overhead cartridge, which is obvious to increase system life and quick and easy replacement. Therefore, alfalaval merco nozzle centrifuge is widely used in the corn starch industry to concentrate mill flow, initial separation, gluten concentration and clarification of middles. Different merco models are available with capacities of more than 1000 tons per day. Actual efficiency depends on variables such as particle size, distribution, charge, temperature, and required separation result.



Extraction of starch from wheat


Wheat is a popular source of starch around the world, as it is readily available in milder climates and contains a valuable protein called vital gluten, which is widely used for human consumption.


To extract starch, wheat is first ground to obtain wheat flour.


Wheat flour is mixed with water to make a paste, which is then subjected to a brief process.


Then more water is added to obtain two dips, the different parts of which are separated using a 3-phase decanter centrifuge.


At the beginning of the process, the first and heaviest part is A (primary) starch.


The second part contains vital starch B and gluten.


The third part contains solutes, some very fine particles of starch (C starch) and pentosans.


After the fibers were removed using sieves, starch A was concentrated using nozzle centrifuges and finally washed with fresh water in the hydro silicones.


Separation of starch B and gluten


First, a mixture of B starch and gluten is separated from the skewers.


The gluten is then washed and dried using washing rollers.


After drying, the gluten is ground. This substance is called vital gluten, which is used for human consumption as a food additive, for example dough improver in the preparation of bread. Starch B is concentrated with nozzle centrifuges. Starch B is mixed with starch A to convert it to glucose. Starch B can be dewatered in a centrifuge and decanter and then dried and sold as a secondary starch. The light phase from the three-phase decanter centrifuge, which contains the pentosan fraction in wheat flour, is processed with an enzyme and concentrated by evaporator.


Alfalfa and wheat starch extraction


Alfaval has global experience in the production of wheat starch.


Among many of our references are all turnkey factories in Europe and China.


These installations also include all the required key equipment such as decanter centrifuges, nozzle centrifuges, hydro silicones and sieves.


Alphavalval three-phase decanter centrifuge, model STNX 944 Alphaval

The centrifuge created the STNX 944 three-phase decanters for use in separating wheat starch.


This design makes it possible to achieve maximum separation efficiency of starch, gluten and pentosans.


This model is the largest three-phase decanter centrifuge for breaking wheat flour, and it clearly uses overflow weirs instead of paring disks.


This optimized device provides the most valuable parts recovery without the need for operator-adjustment.


Even with changing process conditions, it provides the maximum possible capacity.


Accurate separation means that this process involves very little recovery and has no recovery stage.


Therefore, installation reduces the required power and energy costs are reduced.


It also limits the increase in temperature in the process and, therefore, less bacterial activity.


Instead, it is possible to enhance product quality and reduce downtime to clean the device.



Extraction of starch from tubers

Starch can also be extracted from a wide range of tubers such as potatoes, cassava and cassava.


Potato starch processing plants operate only seasonally for the simple reason that potatoes must be processed within a limited time frame after harvest. Fresh potato tubers are washed and then grated. These rappers are rotating rollers that rotate rapidly and the cutting blades are located on their outer surface.


This process releases the starch granules that are embedded in the fibrous matrix.


Potato proteins are water soluble.


And in many large potato starch factories, the first step is to separate these proteins using decanter centrifuges.


In other starch processing plants, they are separated later in the process and end up in the sewage stream.


The second stage is the extraction of starch from the tubers

The next step is to remove the fibrous pulp with sieves. After dehydration using decanter centrifuges, the pulp is usually sold to the agricultural sector as animal feed.


The starch is concentrated and washed using hydrocyclones or nozzle centrifuges.


In larger plants, soluble protein materials that are separated after crushing are recovered.


This operation is done using decanter centrifuges in 2 steps.


Using heat and pH regulation, the soluble protein is converted to insoluble protein.


The precipitated proteins are then separated and decanted using a decanter centrifuge and then dried.


Non-precipitated proteins (approximately 50%) are eventually concentrated using an evaporator.


From 2000 to 2005, alfalaval supplied separation equipment for three potato starch processing lines at the Chinese company Lixue Fin starch co. Ltd. And product co. Ltd Wohua potato installed.


alfalaval also offers a wide range of collaboration and consulting services to assist in the development of potato starch processing in China.


One of the production managers points out that we are really satisfied with alfalaval equipment that is easy to operate and requires minimal maintenance.


It also helps us to produce starch with very high quality.

alfalaval and starch extraction from tubers

alfalaval has bases in the cassava and potato industries in Europe and Southeast Asia.


alfalaval, for example, has a very strong position and has established the largest starch processing base in Thailand, where the main global source of starch is based on cassava.


Also as a result of cooperation with Dorr Oliver, alfalaval is the largest supplier of potato starch processing lines in China.



alfalaval nozzle centrifuges

When different types of tubers are processed as raw material for starch extraction

The use of alfalfa nozzle centrifuges as a purification separator for best results

Are. These centrifuges are available in a wide range of different sizes and configurations to meet specific separation requirements.


alfalaval nozzle centrifuges have several distinct characteristics:




-Continuous drainage of starch or protein concentrate


-An empty main shaft (rod) that directs the washing water directly into the nozzle area of ​​the bowl through special pipes to achieve maximum washing efficiency.


– Nozzle drain rotation to provide more concentration and better control.


-Filling parts between the nozzles that prevent clogging and make the bowl easier to clean.


-Construction of a chip disk for discharge under overflow current pressure. Therefore, the installation of external pumps is unnecessary.


-The disc stack cartridge can be lifted onto a single piece, for easy cleaning and maintenance of each alfalaval nozzle centrifuge as a complete unit, including: all models of valves required for processing liquid and washing water, and a starter Special and control system.


Downstream process optimization

Starch is produced from very different raw materials, and accordingly, production methods are also variable.


But all processes have the problem that the starch must be washed to be free of impurities and then concentrated.


Downstream process equipment

The process that follows the extraction of starch is called downstream processing and usually includes: production of modified starch, hydrolysates, liquid sugars in many different forms. Alfacond and Alfavap evaporators and condensers are perfectly paired with these downstream processes.


Examples of their use are for evaporation of water and concentration of glucose, fructose, sorbitol by evaporation of excess water.


alfalaval is also an important supplier of hydrocyclic cells that the starch industry uses to wash away the salt that remains in the starch chemical process. The design and construction of such equipment requires the experience of leading experts and knowledge of the process, which is ideally placed by alfalaval to provide it.



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