
Alfa Laval History

Alpha Laval was founded in 1883. With the help of some of the most important milestones, you can follow the growth of Alpha Laval towards a large international group.

Alpha Laval founder Gustav de Laval was born in 1845 in the Swedish province of Dalarna.

Gustav de Laval began work on the development of centrifugal separators in 1877 and unveiled the first separator with a capacity of 130 liters per hour in 1879 in Stockholm.

Alfa laval history

History of Alpha Laval

The first separator was introduced to the world using a disc and pasteurizer in 1890, and in 1910 work began on an automatic shower valve.

Gustav de Laval died in 1913 at the age of 67. During its prolific life, it registered more than 92 inventions and 37 companies.

Since 1916, when the first separator for oil separation was sold, the company has grown rapidly and opened company branches in Denmark, Finland, Poland, South Africa and Australia.

Alfa Laval history

The first CEP system or on-site cleaning system was introduced in 1958 in Swedish dairy factories and the first sterilization process in Italy in 1961 led to major breakthroughs in the food industry, especially in the dairy industry.

In 1963, the company changed its name from EB Separator to Alpha Laval EB, and in 1971 began investing heavily in Sweden and building manufacturing plants focusing on the production of offshore separators and heat exchangers.

In 1991, the Rosing family became the owner of Alfa Laval, and Tetra Pack Company was established to provide a practical packaging solution to the food industry. In 1993, Alfa Laval became an independent industrial group in the Tetra Laval Group.

In 2000, the Capital Investment Group acquired Alpha Laval Group with the aim of promoting the company globally in the three main areas of separation or heat transfer and fluid transfer, and decided to list the company on the stock exchange for a five-year return.

In 2002, Alfa Laval was introduced to the Stockholm Stock Exchange and its core strategy of creating profitable growth based on organizational growth and the acquisition of successful companies in the same field was approved.
Over the years, well-known names such as France’s Pacinox, Denmark’s Tof de York, Finland’s Fin Coil, the Netherlands’ Helpman, and the American Tranter have been placed in the port of Alfa Laval.

In 2010, Alfa Laval was the official partner of the Swedish booth at the Shanghai Expo with the slogan “Better city, better life”.

In 2011, Alfa Laval became an unrivaled maritime and shipbuilding giant with the acquisition of Alburg and Frank Mohen, a company that has continued to grow to this day.

Alfa Laval

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