
new year 2021


The New Year is the day that marks the beginning of a new calendar year, in which the calendar year of a particular calendar is increased. In many cultures, this event is celebrated on the occasion of the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year.

January 12, New Year 2021

The New Year occurs on January 1 of each year and is most used in countries around the world. On January 1, 1600, Scotland became the first country to adopt January 1 as the first day of the year.

New Year’s Eve

In countries that use the Gregorian calendar, the New Year is usually celebrated on January 1st. The order of the months in the Roman calendar is from January to December, from the time of King Noma Pompey about 700 BC.

Celebrating the New Year is one of the biggest global events right now. On the night of December 31 of each year, the last day of the year and the day before New Year’s Day, New Year celebrations are held in many countries around the world, generally in Europe, the Americas, Australia, and parts of Asia and Africa.

In the new culture of the West, this day is held with gatherings at parties and gatherings that celebrate the transfer of the year at 12:00 pm.

Many cultures use fireworks and other noisy methods to celebrate the New Year on this night. New Year’s Eve is celebrated worldwide on December 31st in Christian and even non-Christian countries, according to the Nativity or the Mysticism in English (Anno Domini). New Year’s Eve is also known as the seventh day of Christmas in Western Christianity.


Why does the year start on January 1st?

There is no specific reason for the beginning of the Gregorian year from January 1, because different tribes have each set a day at the beginning of their year. For example, the Macedonian New Year in the time of Alexander began in autumn, the Greeks in the middle of summer, and the Iranians still consider the first day of spring as Nowruz

Christians owe January 1st to the beginning of the year owe it to the Romans. In Roman times, it was customary for all government officials to make March 15 (March 26) the day of service, even to Roman emperors and consuls. On this day, they entered the field of work. However, because the console (Full Davis Nobeliver) failed to take office on March 15 for a number of reasons, and this was made possible by a delay on January 1, that day was announced to begin. Julius Caesar also remained faithful to a January.

In 46 BC, the Julian calendar was compiled by order of Julius Caesar. Due to this service, the mentioned calendar was called Juliani and in honor of Julius Caesar, it was named after the month of July (Julius).

Part Sanat Arka Company congratulates all Christians on the arrival of the New Year.


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