
The 4th anniversary of Part Sanat Arka

4th anniversary of Part Sanat Arka company:

In the fourth year of presence, we are proud to say that despite the difficulties and reluctance of reputable European companies such as Alfalaval, GEA,… to cooperate with Iranian companies whose products have been used in domestic collections for years and by supplying the equipment and parts of the mentioned brands while cooperating with domestic companies to meet the needs of our dear customers, and with honest interaction and respect for the interests of the customers, we have continued our dynamics and considered this as a relative success for ourselves and to reach bigger The community of customers and the diversity of products with different brands that can be offered continue our efforts and we think of special solutions to reach the predetermined goals. We request all the dear users of the virtual space, whether former customers or new visitors, to help us improve and advance our goals by continuously visiting the site of this company and providing constructive feedback.

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