Intruduction :
Because the summer season is approaching and the issue of saving water consumption and recycling is important. Factories are trying to use devices to save money.
which goes on to talk about a plain that does this. .
Zero Liquid Discharge
Turn waste into value with an Alfa Laval AlfaFlash ZLD system. These robust, compact solutions treat wastewater from industrial processes and recover valuable products during recycling operations. Materials are efficiently removed from the water, or wet material, and reduced to solid waste that can be sold, reused, or more efficiently disposed of. ZLD systems benefit both the environment and your bottom-line and are easily adjusted to meet your expanding needs and changing regulations.
Effectively dealing with industrial wastewater is often a legal obligation, and necessary to retain your license to operate. But an Alfa Laval AlfaFlash ZLD system can be a part of the process of recovering valuable resources from the waste that would have been lost. Alfa Laval’s product offering and technology expertise can play a key part in your resource recovery process.
Reuse water, recover value
- Increases water usage efficiency by removing liquid waste and treating water for reuse
- Some processes may recover valuable resources such as metals and minerals
- Easily adjustable systems are future-proof to your growing needs and changing regulations
- Less waste means lower disposal costs and reduced need for new resources
- Lower investment, installation and operational costs compared to traditional evaporation technologies