
How to make a corona virus vaccine

Introduction to the method of making corona virus vaccine by two big companies “Oxford” and “Moderna”

There are currently a small number of Corona vaccines in development worldwide, and two of these vaccines appear to be in the process of promising production and development, one by the modern biotechnology company Moderna and the other by the approved vaccine. By the University of Oxford in collaboration with Astra sense. Moderna is developing the mRNA-1273 vaccine with the help of the US Government National Institutes of Health. The Oxford University vaccine has been successful in the past.

How the Covid vaccine works 19

In both cases, the research teams, based on their past experience in vaccine production, have adapted the existing models to the specific needs of the Covid 19 vaccine, which has led to the development of two vaccines using different approaches.

The body’s interactions with the corona virus are not fully understood, but there is a specific part of the virus that may trigger a protective immune response (nail or nail proteins that attach to the surface of the virus).

The goal of scientists in producing vaccines is to find a way in which they can produce these proteins safely in the body in a form that stimulates the immune system.

How stud proteins work

Nail protein is actually the antigen or antigen that we want to introduce to the body to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies or antibodies against it. Then, when the real virus enters the body, the immune system is ready and armed to attack it, which both Oxford and Moderna teams are supposed to do using a piece of the virus genetic material.

Viruses reproduce by infecting cells.

When viruses enter the cell, they give off genetic material to the cell that acts as a set of instructions for copying the virus.

How “Modern” and “Oxford” vaccines work

In the modern vaccine, the initial plan is to put the stud protein in something called messenger RNA (mRNA). This messenger is a molecule that the cell uses to give instructions when making a protein. The idea is to trick human cells and use these modified mRNAs so they make stud proteins just like materials for their purposes.

In the Oxford vaccine, the protein protein code is contained in completely different viral genetic information that is harmless to humans. When this altered or recombinant virus, called CHAdOx1, infects human cells, the cell reads its genetic material and eventually produces the corona virus stud protein.

In both cases, preliminary studies show that stud proteins are produced and stimulate the immune response system using antibodies and an immune cell called a T cell.

It is hoped that this combination will stop the coronavirus from using stud proteins to bind to and enter cells, and that both vaccines are being tested to confirm this.


Which of these methods is better?

Both methods seem good in theory, but in practice the use of viral genetic code is a very new method of making a vaccine. The basic form of the flu vaccine, developed in the 1960s and still widely used, is that the vaccine saves the entire human body from the virus and prevents the virus from growing in human cells, and the body can detect it Give and respond to it.

The oldest method of developing influenza vaccines is to grow viruses in eggs, which is time consuming.


Better recombinant or mRNA

A number of mRNA vaccines have been developed against cancer and some infectious diseases, but none are commonly used so far. There are some recombinant vaccines on the market that have slightly more advanced technologies. But so far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange.

Since we do not know exactly where to focus on SARS-CoV-2, it may make more sense to use the whole dead virus and allow the body to react as it sees fit.

It takes six months to make a batch of flu vaccine, because the virus must grow in a laboratory and then be completely cured to ensure that the vesicle is completely killed and that the injection is completely safe. The main problem with this approach is time

You can’t wait long to get the Covid 19 vaccine. However, the European company Valneva is using this approach to get the Covid 19 vaccine, which may be the best vaccine in the end, but it will definitely not be ready by mid-2021.

It is definitely helpful to have more than one vaccine for the virus, as each may work better for a specific group, such as the elderly or children (slightly different immune systems).

All countries need vaccines. Definitely having a few options can help increase the level of protection for everyone in any country as soon as possible.




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