

Change becomes more difficult when you want to change something wrong.

When is change difficult?

It becomes more difficult to change when you do not know exactly how to change; but why? Because when you do not know how to do something, it is quite natural that it is difficult for you to do it.

Suppose someone comes to you and says, you have to move to an unknown destination right now. You have to go somewhere you have never heard of. Of course, you know that when you get there, you will experience a lot of satisfaction; but which way should you go? How far will you be? What do you need? Is it worth it? To answer these questions we need a better understanding of the brain.

The brain responds to change

The brain is not happy with the unknown!

How does the brain, which monitors the environment five times per second to identify danger, respond to a vague, large, and complex action? Unknown to the brain means risk and energy expenditure. An important part of the brain – the primitive brain or the reptile brain – that all decisions are made after approval, considers obscure things a danger.

That’s why the answer is, “Why is it difficult to change?” Can be found in this fact. When you do not know how to change or you take the wrong path to change, the brain drives change with all its might! Why should you take the risk? Why should you spend energy? What if it is dangerous?

Make a change

Is it changeable?

Yes, it is possible to change what we do not like; But it also has its nuances. Not knowing these nuances makes it seem complicated, complicated and scary. For this reason, here are five important principles of change to make sure you are aware of our default fundamentals of change:

  1. Change is quite possible:

The most important of the five important principles of change is that change is possible. Using new knowledge in various fields, we now know that we are not slaves to the genes and physiology of our bodies.

The point is, you can do more than just brain function; Instead, change the volume, structure of your brain, as well as your body. When such changes are possible, other changes in life will be possible.

  1. No lasting change occurs overnight:

When it comes to change, many of us think that it is enough to do something for a short period of time, and we simply hope that everything will go well after that.

You can see a clear example of this mentality in the so-called fantasy diets. A short period of diet cannot cause permanent weight loss. This is not a change that happens overnight. This is one of the most important principles of change. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”


  1. You have everything you need to change:

It may be hard for you to believe; but you do not need a lot of money, special conditions or even a good mood to change. All you need to change is a little commitment. Commit yourself to becoming the person you love.

  1. To change, we need to learn, guide and support each other:

We are social beings, and that is why our best changes happen when we learn ways to change from each other. We also guide each other and build a network of compassionate and caring people to support each other for change.

  1. Changing is much easier if you know exactly what you want:

Many of us can explain in detail what we do not want; but we do not know exactly what we want.

Some of us like to change for the sake of others. In fact, we may not want this particular change ourselves. Some of us even want a change that we do not have the capacity for. All of these prevent change. So it is very important to know exactly what change you want.


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