

The word probiotic is derived from the Greek word meaning “for life”. Probiotics are usually “one” or a mixture of several microorganisms that, if consumed by humans or animals, can exert many beneficial effects by improving the properties of the host’s gastrointestinal microflora.

Function of probiotics:

Probiotics help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut or reduce the pathogenicity of harmful microbes, and their mechanism of action depends on their replacement and survival in the gastrointestinal tract.

The human gut contains approximately 100 trillion living bacteria, all of which together make up the gut microbial flora. These bacteria include beneficial, harmful, and neutral species, although beneficial bacteria predominate in healthy individuals.


Beneficial bacteria and germs

Beneficial bacteria play an important role in the production of compounds needed by the body, such as vitamins and organic acids. In contrast, harmful bacteria produce toxic and carcinogenic compounds. Therefore, if harmful bacteria predominate in the intestine, not only are nutrients and essential compounds not produced, but also the amount of harmful compounds increases.

The microbial flora of the gut is highly dependent on the food used personally, so the gut microbial flora can be altered and beneficial microbes replaced by harmful ones

In fact, the use of live microbes to increase human health is not a new issue and for thousands of years, people have been using fermented substances, especially dairy products containing beneficial microbes such as yogurt, cheese, etc.

Benefits of probiotics


Probiotics affect a person’s health in different ways. These microorganisms can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract by producing organic acids and antimicrobials.

The organic acids produced can be used as an energy source by intestinal cells. The production of vitamins, especially vitamins B and K, is another significant feature.

Lactose with silage and bifidobacteria in products such as yogurt can increase protein digestibility and biological availability of calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc and manganese.


Benefits of probiotics

On the other hand, probiotics have been reported to lower serum cholesterol. Prevention of gastritis, acute intestinal inflammation and diarrhea are other benefits of taking probiotics.

Fermented milk products and lactic acid bacteria have been shown to affect the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to infection, cancer and allergies

Probiotics can reduce the effects of lactose intolerance, which is one of the most important limiting factors in milk consumption. The amount of enzyme that breaks down lactose (milk sugar) in the intestines of some people is insufficient, so they can not digest and absorb lactose. This causes these people to develop milk after bloating, bloating, cramps, abdominal muscles and diarrhea. Probiotic bacteria can prevent these effects by breaking down lactose and producing its breakdown enzyme.


New generation of dairy products

Currently, various probiotic products are produced and supplied in the world. These types of milk probiotic drinks include cheese, buttermilk, yogurt drinks, hard or stirred yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, skim milk and buttermilk drinks. Yogurt is one of the products that has attracted a lot of attention as a potential probiotic product.


Probiotic yogurt:

In addition to providing live bacteria, probiotic yogurt provides the body with valuable nutrients such as calcium and biological peptides.

Accordingly, the market for probiotic yogurts around the world is growing rapidly, with a significant portion of yogurts containing probiotic bacteria.

The share of this type of yogurt in Europe is estimated to be between 5 and 20% of the market. In France, 10% of yogurt supplied is probiotic and the production of these products increases by 3% annually.

All probiotic dairy products, including probiotic yogurt, should be kept cool until consumed to ensure both the survival rate of beneficial bacteria and the lasting effects of these products.

Probiotic yogurt

Beneficial effects of probiotics on health:

  1. Strengthen the immune system and immune system
  2. Making some vitamins (K and B) and amino acids
  3. Lower blood cholesterol
  4. Improve gastrointestinal function
  5. Prevent and reduce intestinal infections
  6. Reduce the prevalence and persistence of diarrhea
  7. Positive effect on intestinal and urinary microflora
  8. Improves lactose digestion in the intestine


Source: Health News

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